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Hi! My name is Alyssa ANDREWS— and I’m the founder of Ice Cream Social Media Co.

Get the scoop on our company story below.


I’d love to give you some dreamy story about how I started this business, but that just wouldn’t be me. And if there is one thing I preach when it comes to content creation, branding, and social media marketing, it’s that you’ve got to showcase the real, honest-to-goodness YOU. True social influence doesn’t come from knowing all the buzzwords or posting the latest TikTok dance trend to your feed— it comes from being true to your brand and those you engage with.

So here’s the unpolished, TL;DR version: I moved from New York City to Florida for a new job and then the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Cue the layoffs.

What do you do when you have lived, breathed, and dreamed about social media marketing, content creation, and public relations for over 8 years, but find yourself unemployed?

In my case, I’m a big fan of lemons to lemonade and silver-linings, so I channeled all of my energy and time into creating my dream company.

Enter Ice Cream Social Media Co— a digital marketing agency that specializes in helping eCommerce and retail businesses from startups to established brands ignite brand awareness, mobilize followers into engaged brand ambassadors, create meaningful content, and drive revenue.

To all of the friends and family who have asked me for tips and tricks to boost their personal and business social media game— this is for you.

Want to chat? My inbox is open— drop me a line here and tell me all about your goals for your business. I can’t wait to help you grow and engage your audience in a meaningful way.